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Section of Immunology at VSF

Salomé Leibundgut-Landmann

Salomé Leibundgut-Landmann, Prof. Dr.

  • Group Leader
044 63 58721

Salomé obtained her PhD on molecular mechanisms of dendritic cell functions from the University of Geneva, Switzerland, in 2003. During her postdoc in the laboratory of Caetano Reis e Sousa at the London Research Institute, Cancer Research UK (now The Francis Crick Institute) she discovered how innate sensing of fungal cell wall components couples to the adaptive immune system and polarizes T cells to produce interleukin-17 which is essential for fungal control. After being awarded a SNSF Professorship in 2010, she moved to ETH Zürich to start her independent career in fungal immunology. In 2015, she moved her lab to the University of Zürich, where she was appointed Associate Professor in 2017 and promoted to Full Professor in 2024. Since 2024, she is also a member of the MRC Center of Medical Mycology at the University of Exeter, UK.