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Section of Immunology at VSF

Sarah  Mertens

Sarah Mertens

  • Biomedical Analyst
044 63 58716

In 2003 I moved from Vienna, Austria, to Zurich to start in Prof. Rolf Zinkernagel’s and Prof. Hans Hengartner’s lab of Experimental Immunology where I worked as a lab technician for several years until their retirement. After a job-related stay of 2.5 years in Rochester, MN, USA, my family and I moved back to Zurich in 2013. In early 2015 I joined Prof. LeibundGut’s lab and have been working here ever since. Besides being with my family I’m into spending time with friends, cooking, going for a hike and enjoying art at the numerous museums and galleries throughout the country and close to Switzerland.